Terms of Use

Terms of Use


Terms of Use

Version: 1.0
Effective date: 22 February 2021


1.  Who we are 

1.1   We are Look Forward Channels Ltd. Our company information is at the end of this document.

2.  What this is all about

2.1   These are our terms and conditions which apply to our Service (explained below). We’ve tried to make them user-friendly. Please read them carefully and save a copy as we don’t file a copy specifically for the transaction with you. They’re available in English only.

3.  Some definitions

3.1  Here are some definitions which are used in this document (all capitalised):

•  “App” – the Look Forward mobile application.

•  “Consumer” – an individual acting for purposes which are wholly or mainly outside that person’s trade, business, craft or profession.

•  “Content” – all information of whatever kind (including event listings, posts, comments, chat, images, photos, audio, video, advertisements, messages), uploaded to our Service (including messages sent via our Service).

•  “Service” – our website (including our web app), our App and any related services.

•  “Store” – the app distributor from which you download the App (e.g. Apple App Store, Google Play App Store).

•  “Store Rules” – any applicable rules, policies or terms of the relevant Store.

•  “User” – persons using our Service (whether or not registered with us).

4.  How you enter a legal contract with us 

4.1  By registering on or using our website or downloading our App, you enter a legal contract with us to use our Service.

4.2  For App users: These terms and conditions are an “end user licence agreement” between you and us (not the Store) in relation to our App (i.e. setting out how we allow you to use our App). You also agree to be legally bound by the Store Rules.

5.  Changing these terms and conditions

5.1  We may change these terms and conditions by giving you at least 15 days’ notice unless a more urgent change is needed to comply with laws or regulations or to deal with an unforeseen and imminent danger. We will notify you by email, SMS and/or in-app message and by posting the new version on our website.

5.2  If you don’t agree to the new terms, you should end this contract as explained below before the new terms take effect.

6.  Your right to use our Service

6.1   We grant you a limited personal non-transferable right to use our Service on any applicable device owned or controlled by you (only Apple-branded where Apple Inc is the Store) subject to these terms and conditions and, where applicable, in accordance with the Store Rules.

7.  Who can use our Service?

7.1   You must not use, or attempt to register on, our Service if you are below 13 years of age.

7.2  Only Consumers may use our Service.

8.  Things you can’t do on our Service

8.1   You agree not to do any of the following in connection with the Service:

•  break the law or infringe anyone else’s rights;

•  victimise or harass other people;

•  use offensive, obscene, abusive or other inappropriate language;

•  deceive or mislead anyone;

•  provide any Content that includes someone else’s personal information unless that person is 18 years or over and you have obtained their written consent or you are their parent/guardian;

•  impersonate anyone;

•  link to unlawful or otherwise inappropriate content;

•  use the Service with a view to competing with us or infringing our rights;

•  disrupt our Service, e.g spam, viruses or phishing;

•  interfere with or damage our Service or gain unauthorised access to any part of our system, data, passwords or otherwise;

•  intercept or modify communications;

•  impose an unreasonable load on our Service, including any communication channels such as SMS messaging;

•  deliberately exploit any bugs found within the Service;

•  get around any security or other features including those designed to stop copying of Content; or

•  attempt, encourage or assist any of the above.

8.2   You agree to:

•  comply with any rules or requirements on our Service;

•  promptly comply with any reasonable request or instruction by us in connection with the Service; and

•  ensure that any contact or other information which you supply to us is accurate and not misleading and you will tell us if there are any important changes.

9.  If you upload Content to our Service …

9.1   You are responsible for your Content.

9.2   You promise you have (and will keep) all rights needed to enable us to use your Content as contemplated by the Service and these terms and conditions.

9.3   If you use any features on our Service which enable you to share your Content with third party sites, we are not responsible for use of your Content on those third party sites.

9.4   We reserve the right without notice or refund to reject, suspend, alter, remove or delete Content or to disclose to the police or other relevant authorities or to a complainant any Content or behaviour if it is the subject of complaint or where we have reason to believe that it breaches our terms and conditions, or that such steps are necessary to protect us or others, or that a criminal offence may have been committed, or where required by law or where requested by the police or other appropriate authorities, or if we consider that Content does not meet our quality standards.  If so, you must not attempt to re-publish or re-send the relevant Content.

9.5   It is your responsibility to decide which Content to upload (subject to these terms and conditions). We do not accept responsibility if your Content is misused by others as this is outside our reasonable control. Don’t upload any Content if you are concerned that it may be misused.

9.6   We may place advertisements near or within your Content. If so, we retain all revenue from such advertisements.

9.7   It is your responsibility to make your own frequent backups of Content to protect you in case of loss or damage to such material. We are not responsible for such loss or damage.

9.8   We may irretrievably delete your Content without telling you after this agreement ends or if your account has been inactive for six months.

9.9   Uninstalling the App may result in deletion of all Content on your device.

10.  Dealing with other Users…

10.1   You accept that we have no obligation to vet or monitor Users or their Content. You rely on such information and/or deal with other Users at your own risk. We accept no legal responsibility for the accuracy of, or otherwise in relation to, any such Content or in connection with any dealings between Users. It is your responsibility to carry out careful and detailed investigations before dealing with other Users including use of or reliance on their Content. You should not assume that any Content from another User is accurate and be aware that a person may not be who he or she claims to be.

10.2   You acknowledge that in using the Service you may encounter behaviour or Content which you consider inappropriate. If so, please email us to our email address shown below (including if you wish to give us notice of defamatory material). Please also use any available blocking mechanisms, seek relevant external help If appropriate (e.g. from law enforcement authorities) and/or stop using the Service.

10.3   In your own interests, you should not attempt to contact, or let yourself be contacted by, any other User other than through the Service unless you are sure you already know them.

11.  Other peoples’ services / advertising / websites

11.1   We may display other peoples’ services, advertising and /or links to other websites. We do not recommend or endorse, nor are we legally responsible for, any of these.  You use them at your own risk.

11.2   If we express opinions about other companies or their goods or services, these will of course be our honest views. However, you should be aware that we are paid compensation by some or all of the companies featured on the site. This may affect which companies we feature and how we rank them. You must not rely on the accuracy of what we say. Instead you must make your own appropriate and careful enquiries before you buy anything from those companies. If you proceed, you do so at your own risk.

12.  Our guidance

12.1   If we ourselves provide any information about events or other general information on our Service, we do not guarantee that it is accurate or up to date and we do not accept legal responsibility for it. Before acting on such information, you must make your own appropriate and careful enquiries including as to its accuracy and suitability for your purposes. You rely on such information at your own risk.

13.  If you create an account on our Service

13.1   Unless otherwise specifically stated on our Service, your account is for your personal use only. You must not allow any other person to use your account. You agree to take reasonable care to keep your login information confidential and to tell us immediately of any apparent breach of security such as loss or misuse of a password.   You are responsible for other people who use your account or identity (unless and to the extent that we are at fault).

14.  Support

14.1   We do not supply support except to the extent specifically stated on our Service, as may be varied from time to time. You acknowledge that the Store has no obligation to supply any maintenance and support services in relation to the App.

15.  Ending or suspending this contract

15.1   You may at any time end this contract by deleting your account by following the steps on our Service and, if you are an App User, by uninstalling the App from all of your devices.

15.2  We are entitled to end this contract or suspend part or all of our Service or impose restrictions on our Service if:

•  you break this contract;

•  acting reasonably, we think that it is necessary to protect us or others;

•  we are required to do so by applicable law or regulation or to comply with an order, instruction or request from a competent authority; or

•  you or anyone on your behalf acts inappropriately towards our staff.

15.3   We are entitled at any time to end this contract if we terminate this Service or if in our reasonable opinion it is necessary to do so for security, technical or operational reasons.

15.4   If this contract ends:

•  Your right to use our Service and all licences are terminated.

•  Existing rights and liabilities are unaffected.

•  All clauses in this contract which are stated or intended to continue after termination will continue to apply.

16.  Restrictions on our legal responsibility – very important

16.1   Nothing in this agreement in any way limits or excludes our liability for negligence causing death or personal injury or for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation or for anything which may not legally be excluded or limited. In this section, any reference to us includes our employees and agents, who have the right to enforce this agreement.

16.2   We shall not be liable for any loss or damage where:

•  there is no breach of a legal duty owed to you by us;

•  such loss or damage was not reasonably foreseeable (meaning it was not an obvious consequence of our breach or not contemplated by you and us at the time we entered into this contract);

•  (and to the extent that) such loss or damage is your fault, for example by not complying with this agreement; or

•  such loss or damage relates to a business of yours.

16.3   You will be responsible to us for any reasonably foreseeable loss or damage we suffer (including claims made by other people) resulting from your breach of this agreement or misuse of our Service.

17.  Intellectual property rights (e.g. copyright)

17.1   The intellectual property rights in all material used on or in connection with our Service are owned by us or by our licensors, partners or other Users. For your personal use only, you may view such material on your device.  You must not otherwise use such material including copying, publishing, selling or adapting it or taking extracts from it without our specific prior written consent.   You must not misrepresent the ownership or source of such material, for example by changing or removing any legal notices or author attributions.

17.2   Just to be clear - you must not collect, scrape, harvest, frame or deep-link to any Content on our Service without our specific prior written consent.

17.3   You must not reverse-engineer or decompile any of the  software enabling our Service in any way (except to the extent allowed by applicable law). You must not create or use a modified or derivative version of our software or distribute or sublicense our software to third parties.  You must take reasonable steps to ensure that our software is not disclosed to any third party.

17.4   If you upload any Content for display on our Service, you retain ownership of the intellectual property rights. You allow us at no cost, and forever, to use and adapt all or part of such material however we wish on our Service as well as on other channels including social media, including for the purpose of redistribution or promotion of our Service. You waive your “moral rights” in relation to such Content to the extent legally allowed. You also allow each User to use your Content in accordance with these terms and conditions.

18.  If our Service doesn’t work properly or we make changes

18.1   We do not guarantee that the Service will be uninterrupted or error-free. We are entitled, without notice and without being held legally responsible (a) to suspend the Service for repair, maintenance, improvement or other technical reason and (b) to make changes to the Service including changing or removing Content.

18.2   You acknowledge that technology is not always secure and you accept the risks inherent in use of the Internet or other technology for the purpose of the Service.

19.  Compatibility of App

19.1   We do not guarantee that the App is or will be compatible with any particular mobile devices or associated operating systems (OS’s). You acknowledge that the supplier of the device or OS may issue an update that causes our App to stop working. We may issue App updates through the Store; if so, you may not be able to use our App properly or at all until you have downloaded the update, which may be subject to agreement to new terms and conditions. It is your responsibility to frequently monitor for App updates and to install them as soon as they become available.

20.  Things we can’t control

20.1   We are not liable for failure to perform or delay in performing any obligation under this agreement if the failure or delay is caused by any circumstances beyond our reasonable control including third party telecommunication failures and epidemics/pandemics.

21.  Transferring this contract to someone else

21.1   We may transfer all or part of our rights or duties under this agreement provided we take reasonable steps to ensure that your rights under this agreement are not prejudiced. As this agreement is personal to you, you may not transfer any of your rights or duties under it without our prior written consent.

22.  Your personal information – see our privacy policy

22.1   You agree that we can deal with your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy which may change from time to time.

23.  English law and courts

23.1   This contract is under English law and any disputes will be decided only by the courts of the United Kingdom If you are a Consumer, you will benefit from any mandatory provisions of the law of the country in which you are resident. Nothing in these terms and conditions affects your rights as a consumer to rely on such mandatory provisions of local law.

24.  General but important stuff

24.1   We may send all notices under this agreement by email to the most recent email address you have given us. You can send notices to our email address shown below. Headings used in this agreement are for information and not binding. If any part of this agreement is ineffective or unenforceable for any reason, the rest of the agreement will still apply. If either of us overlooks any breach of this agreement by the other, it can still be actioned later. A person who is not a party to this agreement can’t enforce it unless the agreement says otherwise. The parties are independent contractors and, except as otherwise specifically stated above, nothing in this agreement make any party as agent, employee or representative of the other.

25.  Extra legal terms required by the Store

25.1   In the event of any third party claim that the App or your possession and use of the App infringes that third party’s intellectual property rights, we, not the Store, will be solely responsible for the investigation, defence, settlement and discharge of any such intellectual property infringement claim.

25.2   The following applies where Apple Inc is the Store:

•  In the event of any failure of the App to conform to any applicable warranty, you may notify Apple, and Apple will refund the purchase price for the App (if applicable). To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Apple will have no other warranty obligation whatsoever with respect to the App, and any other claims, losses, liabilities, damages, costs or expenses attributable to any failure to conform to any warranty will be our sole responsibility subject to these terms and conditions.

•  We, not Apple, are responsible for addressing your claims or the claims of any third party relating to the App or the end-user’s possession and/or use of that App, including, but not limited to: (i) product liability claims; (ii) any claim that the App fails to conform to any applicable legal or regulatory requirement; and (iii) claims arising under consumer protection, privacy or similar legislation including use of HealthKit and HomeKit frameworks.

25.3   You acknowledge and agree that the Store, and the Store’s subsidiaries, are third party beneficiaries of this agreement, and that the Store will have the right (and will be deemed to have accepted the right) to enforce this agreement against you as a third party beneficiary thereof.

25.4   You promise that (i) you are not located in a country that is subject to a U.S. Government embargo, or that has been designated by the U.S. Government as a “terrorist supporting” country; and (ii) you are not listed on any U.S. Government list of prohibited or restricted parties.

26.  Extra legal terms required by The Press Association Limited (PA Media)

26.1   Specifically in relation to any Content on our Service supplied and/or licensed by PA Media (including fixture lists):

•  This material is for your personal use only and any distribution or commercial exploitation is prohibited.

•  Use of this material is at your own sole risk.

•  Neither we, nor PA Media, nor any of PA Media’s licensors gives any contractual promise that the supply of this material will be uninterrupted or as to its accuracy.

26.2   You acknowledge and agree that PA Media is a third party beneficiary of this agreement, and that it has the right (and will be deemed to have accepted the right) to enforce this agreement against you as a third party beneficiary thereof.

27.  Complaints

27.1   If you have any complaints, please contact us via the contact details shown below.

28.  Company information

28.1   Company name: Look Forward Channels Ltd

28.2   Trading name: 'Look Forward' / 'lookforward.com'

28.3   Country of incorporation: England and Wales.

28.4   Registered number: 13065319

28.5   Registered office and contact address: 85 1st Floor, Great Portland Street, London, W1W 7LT

28.6   Contact email address: contact@lookforward.com
