FAQ - Frequently asked questions

FAQ - Frequently asked questions

What's the big idea!?

We help you see, know and grip the big events for your interests together at once, whenever you like.

Set your interests easily, and in a single click see your upcoming events all in one place.

What can I do on Look Forward?

Want to know, come to know, grip and enjoy!

Want to know. Easily set your interests and update when you like.

Come to know in a click. In a single click at any time, get the events for your interests immediately all in one place. A single view of the big events of interest to you, whenever you choose.

And grip! Get dates, times and directions, set reminders and mark out your main events. Trim down by time or place, or take a global view. Send heads-up, share, and get more information where it fits. Add you own personal events and see and plan them alongside public events: birthdays, holidays, you name it. Choose the time zone you need. Whenever you want, we'll have your updated view for you.

Contact, contact: add and share with friends and contacts, and message galore. Post and follow, as you choose.

Avoid effort, and don't hear about events after they've happened!

What sort of events do you cover?

We cover a whole chunk of big events.

Global and international observances and celebrations. National dates - and global events you might want to bring home! Sports events across many different sports. Art and culture, entertainment and design. Music and music festivals as they come back in.

Interests and pastimes from food to film to flowers. Religious and traditional calendars. Global festivals, seasonal, natural and astronomical. Gaming and technology through to politics and major business dates.

And your own events for you or to share, as you choose.

Can I see all of the events available?

You can see most or many of the public events, but we also make some events visible depending for example on geography.

You can also add and share personal events on Look Forward, but you can only see other users' personal events if they have shared them with you.

Can I see events in my own time zone? Or another? Or the event's time zone?

Yes, all of that!

We show you event timings as you choose: in your local time zone, the event's or another preferred time zone, and we take account of daylight saving changes to make things clear for you. You can update your preferred time zone whenever you like.

IMPORTANTLY, be sure to check any events you add to other calendar tools for their handling of the timezone. We can't commit how they handle the timezones for different events.

Is the events information on Look Forward guaranteed as error free?

No. We seek to provide great events information on Look Forward, to provide what we think is a really great guide, and to help know about and choose to do more of what interests them.

We don't however provide the information as error free. Errors may arise in the data from our data sources, from administrative errors or for other reasons.

Do let us know at any time when you see an information issue - or when you would like to see more information provided.

Do you give event locations?

Where they apply, we look to give the country of the event and a given venue or map location where practical. Keep us on our toes and let us know if you think the location listed needs to be changed.

What about teams?

For sports teams and similar aspects across more than one event grouping, we've worked it out so you can choose your interests:

• in events for a given team, regardless of say the competition or league, to track that team whenever it's playing

• in events for a competition or league regardless of teams

• or in events for a team in the case of a particular competition or league.

Can I put my own events on Look Forward?

Yes. You can add and share your own key events on Look Forward. We imagine that'd more birthdays or holidays rather than your 10:00 am shopping delivery, but add the events you like!

Whilst you can create and share your own personal events with friends and contacts, other than to those following you we don't yet offer publication of your own personal events to the broader public. That's something we will consider in the future.

There's a main event I'd like you to include

Great - please get in touch. See getting in touch below.

We can't promise to publish events, but we're always interested in other great events, contributions for events and even in photos you'd like to see published. Do get in touch and let us know.

Any things I can't do on Look Forward? (which I thought I might be able to)

You can do a great deal with Look Forward!, but please note:

• we provide events according to agreements with data suppliers. That means we can't provide events as a bulk download or to be synched in groups with external calendars

• whilst you can create and share your own personal events we don't yet offer publication of your own events to the broader public. That's something we will consider in the future

• some actions can only be carried out on events if that event allows - for example buying tickets, getting directions, or adding to a calendar. An event taking place in 'autumn' for example wouldn't be great to add to a calendar. Some events can't be added to calendars or shared where, for example, the event timing is yet to be certain.

How do I get in touch with the team at Look Forward?

You can get in touch with us in a number of ways:

• on the apps, using 'Provide feedback' on the settings page

• on the web, using 'Recommend and let us know', at the bottom of the page

• or by sending us an email at contact@lookforward.com

When should I get in touch with the team at Look Forward?

Do let us know if for example you ...

• have anything you want to recommend regarding the site itself
• want to see a particular event or further information on an event
• have a photo you'd enjoy seeing published for an event!
• want to provide us some great feedback - or things you feel should be changed
• have a question that isn't asked or answered in these Frequently Asked Questions, FAQ

Also let us know if you …

• experience any issues on Look Forward with others users
• have any data privacy or other information concerns
• are aware of a security breach, including any on your account.

And let us know of anything important we've missed here!

I can't see somebody on Look Forward who I think is on it

Please have a look at the privacy settings - that person may have set privacy settings to limit if and how they are seen. You can also use those to choose if and how you are seen on Look Forward, how you can be found and whether for example your email address is shown.

Do you need my phone number?

Basically no, we don't. However if you would like to invite other users to events, we do ask you to save and validate your phone number, as a security measure. This then allows you to send heads-ups / invite other users to events.

(When the given event allows, you can simply share the event information rather than send a heads-up, with or without a phone number.)

I can't invite other users to an event: it's asking for my phone number

If you would like to invite other users to events, we do ask you to save and validate your phone number, as a security measure. This then allows you to send heads-ups / invite other users to events.

(When the given event allows, you can simply share the event information rather than send a heads-up, with or without a phone number.)

You can or cannot see other users on Look Forward depending on their privacy settings. You can also set your own privacy settings as you choose.

Can I like my own posts

Yes you can and we hope you do! Please only post the good stuff.

I'd like to receive - or stop receiving - newsletters

No problem - you can set this on your account, using the website. We don't send newsletters all the time but that will allow you to be included when we do. Watch that space!
